Studio330 Yoga Kingston

Ashtanga (90 Min)
with Frederique Seroude

March 12 (Wednesday)
at 6:45 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Studio 330

spots left
Ashtanga comes from Mysore in India and is a set sequence of postures linked together through movement. The postures become one at a time more challenging and the attention is on the breath. Each movement of the body fits within the breath in a calm and focused way. You can call it a breathing moving practice.The first series is called Primary Series and consists of Sun Salutations, a standing sequence, a seated sequence, backbends and a closing sequence. There are 6 series in the Ashtanga tradition, Primary series is the one usually taught in led classes.

In a led Primary Series class the teacher calls the postures and the students follow the cueing. This class is usually led in Sanskrit. Due to the repetition over weeks of the same postures the students can see their practice advance before their eyes. As always variations are offered when needed.


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